July 19, 2008

Physicians For Human Rights - Broken Laws, Broken Lives

Standing up for human dignity and human rights.
clipped from www.youtube.com
Physicians for Human Rights mobilizes health professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the right to health for all. Harnessing the specialized skills, rigor, and passion of doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and scientists, PHR investigates human rights abuses and works to stop them.


clipped from brokenlives.info

In PHR’s new report, Broken Laws, Broken Lives, we have for the first time medical evidence to confirm first-hand accounts of men who endured torture by US personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo Bay. These men were never charged with any crime.

To download either the Executive Summary or the full text of the free report Broken Laws, Broken Lives: Medical Evidence of Torture by US Personnel and Its Impact, please register on our site with your name, email address and postal code. We promise to keep your name and contact information confidential. But we’d like to thank you for reading and keep you informed of ways to learn more and take action.

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July 18, 2008

July 16, 1945: Trinity Blast Opens Atomic Age

A grim reminder...
clipped from www.wired.com

July 16, 1945: Trinity Blast Opens Atomic Age

The Trinity test showed that the atomic bomb worked. An eyewitness to the awesome explosion called it "unprecedented, magnificent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying."
Courtesy Los Alamos National Lab

1945: The first atomic bomb is tested successfully at the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range in a remote section of desert near Los Alamos, New Mexico. The instant the bomb detonated at 5:30 a.m. that Monday, the atomic age was born, and the world changed forever.

The Trinity test, as it was known, was the culmination of the American effort to win the race against Germany (and, ultimately, the Soviet Union) in building an atomic bomb. A mere three weeks after the test, the United States used atomic bombs to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

quotes Oppenheimer, then near the end of his life:
Our government should have acted with more foresight and clarity in telling the world and Japan what the bomb meant.
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Dennis Kuchinich truthout interview pt. 2

clipped from www.truthout.org
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Dennis Kuchinich truthout interview pt. 1

clipped from www.truthout.org
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July 17, 2008


We don't need anymore sleaze in the White House.
Vietnam Veterans
Against John McCain
was formed to dispel
the myth of "Straight talkin’, principled, maverick war hero" - We
have professional television directors, advertising consultants,
and national organizations who are working with us to launch this
national project. Click here to
help sponsor the WHY?
media ad campaign

Read m
. . .
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July 16, 2008

Habeas Corpus Suspended

Habeas Corpus Suspended
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History of American Empire

A Peoples History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
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July 10, 2008

Boston Legal's Depiction of the Supreme Court...

Was right on target. When I first saw this clip, I couldn't believe how wonderful it would be if this was not fiction. Well, it seems the Supreme Court may not be as politically polarized as I thought but just one more Republican justice and it will be. When that happens a case like this will only be a fairytale. I can't embed it any longer but you can view it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqlGoxfAkuU

See John Stewart's hilarious view of Scalia and the Supreme Court. Click Here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/04/30/daily-show%20-the-loveable-and-charming-antonin-scalia/
clipped from www.youtube.com
Supreme Court Fictionalized Dramatization
WASHINGTON - Proponents and opponents of imposing the death penalty
for rape of a child underwent intense questioning Wednesday from a seemingly
divided Supreme Court.

The hour-long argument came in the case of inmate
Patrick Kennedy, sentenced to death for raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter.

Kennedy's lawyer, Jeffrey L. Fisher, told the court the death penalty
for child rape under Louisiana law violates the Eighth Amendment protection
against cruel and unusual punishment.
More here:

This is a short video clip that shows how the
Supreme Court has become partisan during the long reign of the Republican Party.
If only this depiction could be reality,
But alas, it can never be, as long as we have the Limbaughs, the Coulters and
the radical, religious wing of the Republican Party. Too bad, too sad!
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July 2, 2008

Bill Moyers Journal: It's Not About Oil

Bill Moyers hits the nail on the head again..
clipped from www.youtube.com
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