July 29, 2007

EU Poll: Jews disloyal to home nation; Control US policy

Haaretz israel news English
Poll: 50% in U.K. think Jews more loyal to Israel than home nation
Last update - 15:08 17/07/2007
By Haaretz Service

Half of the British public believes that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their home country, an Anti-Defamation League poll released in Tuesday showed.

The survey of six European countries showed a rise in anti-Semitic attitudes. But it also indicated that positive views of Israel were also on the rise.

Asked to respond to the statement "Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country," the survey found that 50 percent of U.K. respondents replied "probably true," up from 39 percent two years ago.

"Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country,"
the survey found that 50 percent of U.K. respondents replied "probably true," up from 39 percent two years ago.
in Hungary, where 61 percent of respondents said that it was probably true that Jesws have too much power in international financial markets, up from 55 percent in 2005, and that 60 percent believed that Jews have too much power in the business world.
"especially concerned that the survey found a large percentage of all respondents, and a majority in Austria, Hungary and Switzerland, believe that American Jews control U.S. policy on the Middle East, an old canard that has been resurrected in mainstream America and bolsters existing European attitudes."
half of those surveyed said they believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their own country, with a majority of respondents in Austria, Belgium, Hungary and the United

Large percentage believe that American Jews control U.S. policy on the Middle East. Support for Palestinians as a whole remained strong. In Hungary 61% said that it was probably true that Jews have too much power in international financial markets, up from 55%t in 2005, and that 60% believed that Jews have too much power in the business world.


Citizenbfk 07-18-2007 10.02pm

In the USA this idea has a clear starting point: http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm
an Open Letter to President Clinton that was printed January 26, 1998.

10 out of the 18 people who signed this letter,later became significant members of the Bush of Administration, urging war in Iraq and 'regime change,' because Saddam Husseinis is a “hazard” to “a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil...and the safety of allies like Israel,"

It also bought up the fabricated fears of WMD (that UN inspectors repeatedly denied).

This group called themselves 'neo-cons,' and became the core of warhawks in the Bush Administration. They are all zionist supporters.

(Note: Israel is NOT an official ally of the USA; to be an ally requires a treaty, a vote by our Congress, and it can only be done with a nation with clearly defined borders.)

So I'd conclude the opinion of the majority of people in the EU is true and a serious problem to world peace.

Dealing with it is difficulty because of immediate accusation of anti-Jewish racism and dragging out the dead bodies of the Holocaust, all in an attempt to cover up the obvious policies of today, policies that include the slow genocide and apartheid of the Palestinian people: a war crime and horror I now see as equal to the policies of Hitler and to do nothing is to watch over a million people starve to death before our eyes.

Major zionist lobby groups are:
1. Project for the New American Century
2. American Enterprise Institute
3. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
4. Council of Presidents
5. The Hudson Institute
6. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
7. Zionist Organization of America, etc.

AIPAC members have also been directly implicated AND convicted in a couple of spy schemes to steal military and nuclear secrets. Google AIPAC and SPY and get a quarter-of-a-million hits.

Nearly half of the funding for Democratic candidates and 30-35% Republicans comes from AIPAC


Righthand 07-19-2007 12.23am
Nearly half of the funding for Democratic candidates and 30-35% Republicans comes from AIPAC
Are you serious? Is that legal? Could China, Russia, or whoever buy influence like that or is it only Israel or AIPAC. I never heard of some of those groups that you mentioned. Are they all Zionist lobby groups? Why so many?


July 28, 2007

BBC Radio Adopts the Arab Narrative of the Six-Day-War

"History is written by the victors," the famous dictum goes, except, apparently, when it comes to BBC's coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict. BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen's "Six Days that Changed the Middle East," a fortieth anniversary retrospective of the Six Day War broadcast in May 2007 on BBC News Radio 24 and on June 4-10 on BBC Radio 4, is a case in point. As with Bowen's recent online article about the Six-Day War (for information on that article, click here), the radio series revises history, ignoring documented facts to paint the Arab states as victims of Israel's alleged expansionist ambitions.

According to Bowen, Israel exploited Arab bluster and blunders to implement longstanding plans to expand its territory. Bowen discounts the reality of a beleaguered Israel facing an existential threat and identifies the "occupation of Arab lands" as the major historical outcome of the war. His designation of disputed territories as belonging de facto to the Arabs is indicative of his biased perspective.

Airing Arab Revisionist Claims

Bowen unquestioningly accepts the assertions of Arab officials that their leaders really didn't mean it when they threatened to eliminate the Jewish state. After briefly recounting the events leading up to the war, Bowen turns over much of the lengthy series to claims by various officials that Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and his cohorts never intended to go to war. Jordanian official Zaid al-Rifai is heard claiming, "I am sure they [the Israelis] knew very well that the Arab countries were not preparing for war and that they were not going to be attacked." Rifai later reiterates, "They were not interested in finding a way out. They had planned and prepared for this war for some time.... They knew the Arab side was not going to attack." Bowen accepts Rifai's interpretation of Arab intent despite the 1967 pronouncements by Nasser, Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad, PLO leader Ahmed Shukheiry and other Arab leaders who publicly pledged to annihilate Israel.

Elsewhere in the broadcast, Bowen referred to supposed "overwhelming Western support" for Israel. By echoing this Arab complaint, Bowen misrepresents the facts. The Western governments did little to help Israel. In fact, France imposed punitive measures by curtailing weapon deliveries to the Jewish state. On the other hand, the Soviet Union played a direct role in supporting the Arab states.

Justifying Jordan's Entry into the War

Bowen justifies King Hussein of Jordan, belying the King's own account of the war. The BBC editor asserts that Hussein "believed he had no option but to fight" and attacked only because "he was convinced Israel would find a reason to attack, no matter what he did." But in his eagerness to cast blame on Israel, Bowen did not bother to prepare himself with the facts. Had he read King Hussein's own memoir, he would have realized his defense of the monarch was misplaced. In his memoir, "My War with Israel," Hussein recounts the lead-up to the war:

... we received a telephone call at Air Force Headquarters from U.N. General Odd Bull. It was a little after 11 A.M. The Norwegian General informed me that the Israeli Prime Minister had addressed an appeal to Jordan. Mr. Eshkol had summarily announced that the Israeli offensive had started that morning, Monday June 5, with operations directed against the United Arab Republic, and then he added: "If you dont intervene, you will suffer no consequences." By that time we were already fighting in Jerusalem and our planes had just taken off to bomb Israeli airbases...

Cherry Picking Quotes

In contrast to his portrayal of the Arabs as non-belligerent, Bowen depicts Israelis as war-mongerers, intent on "inflict[ing] the defeat they had been planning since the early '50s, rather than allow any Arab success -- bloodless or bloody." To support his statement, Bowen carefully selects the quotes he repeats. To give the impression that the Israelis were eager to find an excuse to attack the Arabs, Bowen repeats an alleged discussion between Israel's Mossad director, Meir Amit, and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan confirming that Israel had received a "green light" from Washington to attack. Several times, he quotes Dayan urging his generals to ignore diplomatic niceties and attack. What Bowen fails to mention is the intense diplomatic effort launched by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban and Prime Minister Levi Eshkol to avoid war by garnering international pressure on Nasser to reverse his aggressive acts in the Sinai.

Misrepresenting the Balance of Forces

To dispel what Bowen labels the "myth of 1967" -namely, that the "Israeli David slew the Arab Goliath"-- Bowen omits the facts that contradict his thesis. For example, he does not cite the balance of forces at the start of the war--the Arabs had a 4:1 advantage in aircraft, a 3:1 advantage in tanks, a 4:1 advantage in regular troops and a 15:1 advantage in population. He also tries to diminish the extent of the Israeli victory by reporting, without citing a source, that approximately 5000 Egyptians were killed or wounded in combat. This is a far lower estimate than any provided by historians Michael Oren, Nadav Safran, Eric Hammel and others, who cite figures of 10,000 to 15,000 Egyptian combat deaths with an additional two to three times that number wounded.

Repeating Unsubstantiated Accusations of War Crimes

Bowen charges Israel with being guilty of indiscriminate violence. He repeats unsubstantiated accusations against Israel, while ignoring official repudiations of these charges. For example, he repeats an allegation by an Israeli far-right extremist, Arieh Yitzhaki, that Israel executed 900 Egyptians and Palestinians after they surrendered. But there has never been reputable evidence that this was true.

In his discussion of the mistaken Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, an American naval ship collecting intelligence on the Sinai's Mediterranean coast, he cites the allegations of survivors and anonymous "veterans of the Johnson White House [who] believe Israel knew exactly what it was doing." Bowen neither names the "veterans" nor does he mention the six U.S. government committees of inquiry that found no evidence to back these allegations.

Distorting the War's Aftermath

Bowen portrays Israel as intransigent and unwilling to make the gestures necessary for peace after the war. He quotes Jordan's Prince Hassan as saying, "It became perfectly clear that every single peace mission from Jarring onward was going nowhere. Golda Meir made that very clear, that they were there to stay." But in fact, the peace mission by Gunnar Jarring, a Swedish UN envoy, formed the basis of UN Resolution 242 which was signed by Israel, Egypt and Jordan, but not by Syria. Bowen also includes King Hussein's post-war statement to the United Nations in which he condemns Israel and warns that the UN should not "permit the aggressor to use the fruits of its aggression to gain the ends for which he went to war." However, he omits mention of the Khartoum Declaration, in which the Arab participants replied to the proposition of peace with Israel, with their famous "three no's" - no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiations with it.

The Results of the War

Bowen proclaims that Israel still occupies all (with an emphasis on the word "all" ) the land it seized that week in 1967 except for Egypt's Sinai Desert. He does not bother to explain that the Sinai Desert represents 89 percent of the land taken in the war. Moreover, he insists that Israel still occupies Gaza, despite its evacuation of the territory two years ago. Bowen's depiction of the situation adheres completely to the Arab position.

But it is about the West Bank and East Jerusalem that Bowen is most dishonest. In the first segment of the series, he states, "In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, it [Israel] has settled more than 400,000 settlers in defiance of every interpretation of international law other than its own..." He repeats this statement in the last segment as well. Either Bowen is unfamiliar with, or does not acknowledge, the opinions of former U.S. Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, and Professor Julius Stone, an expert on international law and jurisprudence. They maintained that Israeli settlements were indeed legal under international law.

Bowen does include plenty of discussion about the "occupation" and its impact on the Palestinians. Several Palestinians are interviewed at length, each with a story about Israeli brutality, indiscriminate shooting and villages destroyed. He gives no attention at all to the riots and violence against Jews who lived in Arab countries as a direct result of the 1967 war.

To support his argument that the main result of the war was the imposition of Israeli occupation rather than Israel's survival as a Jewish state, Bowen attempts to deny Israel's security gains. He insists that the "fruits of Israel's victory... has made Israel less secure." According to his perception, "Israel continues to settle its people on occupied land. One of Israel's justifications for settlements has been security. There is plenty of evidence that the occupation has weakened the army and made its citizens' lives more dangerous." The facts indicate the contrary. The small Israeli population suffered heavy civilian losses as a result of Arab terrorism in the immediate years after its founding. Even though there was more terrorism in the first few years after the Six Day War, the terrorist risk ultimately decreased. Between 1967 and 1992, the incidence of Israeli civilian deaths due to terrorism decreased to 0.83 per 100,000 population per year from 1.21/100,000 from 1950 to 1967. (Sources: Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Terrorism deaths).

Israel's Improved Military Position

Bowen ignores the fact that Israel's military position was substantially improved. While it required six and a half years of further warfare--including repelling the massive Arab attack in 1973--to solidify Israel's military gains from the Six Day War, there has been no major Arab invasion since 1973. Since 1974, about one-third of all deaths of Israeli servicemen and women can be attributed to hostile action (non-hostile fatalities include accidents, suicides and illnesses). The relatively low losses since 1974 compare to the extensive losses Israel suffered in 1947-1949, 1967 and 1973 and attest to the strategic advantages obtained in the Six Day War and consolidated in the Yom Kippur War. (Sources: Israeli Casualties from Yom Hazikaron web site). It is worth considering what might have happened in 1973, had Israel lacked the Sinai and the Golan Heights as buffers.

For Bowen, the Problem is Zionism, not Arab Rejectionism

It is not surprising that Bowen also attempts to blame Zionism for the difficult relations between Arabs and Jews, ignoring both the historically precarious position of Jews in Islamic societies and the current religious-based incitement against Jews. In his viewpoint, "the conflict between Jews and Arabs goes back to the first Zionist settlements in Palestine more than a century ago." But even in the decades immediately preceding the first Zionist settlements, numerous anti-Jewish incidents or mob riots took place in Algeria, Morocco and other Arab lands.

Bowen's conclusion attempts to blame Israel for the conflict between the West and the Islamic world. He says:

“The legacy of 1967, military occupation and violent resistance, the unresolved refugee crisis and the competition for control of land and water...lies behind most of the shameful brutal and tragic events I have witnessed in 16 years of covering the Arab Israeli conflict for the BBC.”

“It would be bad enough if the misery of the past 40 years was confined to the Palestinians and the Israelis. But now at the start of the 21st century, their war affects all of us.. It’s at the center of the conflict between the West and the Islamic world... Ignoring the legacy of 1967 is not an option.”

One wonders how Bowen came to the conclude that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is central to the wider crisis between the West and the Islamic world. The bloody wars in Bosnia and Chechnya and numerous Islamic insurgencies from the Philippines to Nigeria are not linked to the situation in Gaza or the West Bank. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at most, a peripheral issue to the growing radicalism within Europe’s own Muslim communities. After all, French policy has favored the Arabs for decades, but that has not stopped the unrest among its growing Muslim population. It is far from evident that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is even central to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the concluding segment of "Six Days that Changed the Middle East," Bowen remarks, the "Arabs learned the hard way that you can't believe what you hear on the radio." Too bad Bowen doesn't recognize just how much this observation applies to his own listeners.

Six Days that Changed the Middle East

BBC News
Six Days that Changed the Middle East
Last Updated:
Monday, 21 May 2007, 09:46 GMT 10:46 UK

The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen explores the causes, the events and the unfinished business of the 1967 War in the Middle East.

Forty years on, he travels to Israel, the Palestinian territories, Egypt, Syria and Jordan to talk to some of the key players, and to show how 1967 and its legacy has shaped what is happening in the region today.

Abdel Nasser

Part One: Brink of War

After the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, there was a sense of unfinished business in the region.

On the eve of war, Arab civilians believed propaganda broadcasts from Gamal Abdel-Nasser's Egypt promising an easy victory over Israel; for Israeli citizens there was the feeling of anticipation of terrible defeat.

But the Israeli capability was underestimated - and Arab generals thought so too.

How did the Middle East find itself on the brink of war on June 4 1967?

This Radio 4 series, also available on World Service, was first broadcast in May 2007

Abdel Nasser Brink of War
Propaganda broadcasts from Egypt promise an easy victory

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem Advances
Israeli forces advance on the Old City of Jerusalem

Prisoners captured by Israeli soldiers Capture
Prisoners are taken and the Palestinian exodus begins

Israeli soldiers End Game
The Battle for the Golan Heights ends with a ceasefire

July 22, 2007

Iran's Jews reject cash offer to move to Israel: Guardian

clipped from www.guardian.co.uk
Our identity is not for sale
Iran's Jews have given the country a loyalty pledge in the face of cash offers aimed at encouraging them to move to Israel, the arch-enemy of its Islamic rulers
"The identity of Iranian Jews is not tradeable for any amount of money," the society said in a statement. "Iranian Jews are among the most ancient Iranians. Iran's Jews love their Iranian identity and their culture, so threats and this immature political enticement will not achieve their aim of wiping out the identity of Iranian Jews."
The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the incentives had been doubled after earlier offers of £2,500 a head failed to attract any Iranian Jews to leave for Israel
Iran's sole Jewish MP, Morris Motamed, said the offers were insulting and put the country's Jews under pressure to prove their loyalty
July 12, 2007
However, the Society of Iranian Jews dismissed them as "immature political enticements" and said their national identity was not for sale.
Jews are free to practise their religion and have their own schools, although they are forced to open on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath. Despite the absence of diplomatic ties with Israel, Iranian Jews frequently go there to visit relatives.

Iran's sole Jewish MP, Morris Motamed, said the offers were insulting and put the country's Jews under pressure to prove their loyalty.

"It suggests the Iranian Jew can be encouraged to emigrate by money," he said. "Iran's Jews have always been free to emigrate and three-quarters of them did so after the revolution but 70% of those went to America, not Israel."

Guardian Unlimited
Iran's Jews reject cash offer to move to Israel
- Expats offer families £30,000 to emigrate
· Our identity is not for sale, say community leaders
Robert Tait in Tehran
Thursday July 12, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Iran's Jews have given the country a loyalty pledge in the face of cash offers aimed at encouraging them to move to Israel, the arch-enemy of its Islamic rulers.

The incentives — ranging from £5,000 a person to £30,000 for families — were offered from a special fund established by wealthy expatriate Jews in an effort to prompt a mass migration to Israel from among Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community. The offers were made with Israel's official blessing and were additional to the usual state packages it provides to Jews emigrating from the diaspora.

However, the Society of Iranian Jews dismissed them as "immature political enticements" and said their national identity was not for sale.

"The identity of Iranian Jews is not tradeable for any amount of money," the society said in a statement. "Iranian Jews are among the most ancient Iranians. Iran's Jews love their Iranian identity and their culture, so threats and this immature political enticement will not achieve their aim of wiping out the identity of Iranian Jews."

The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the incentives had been doubled after earlier offers of £2,500 a head failed to attract any Iranian Jews to leave for Israel.

Iran's sole Jewish MP, Morris Motamed, said the offers were insulting and put the country's Jews under pressure to prove their loyalty.

"It suggests the Iranian Jew can be encouraged to emigrate by money," he said. "Iran's Jews have always been free to emigrate and three-quarters of them did so after the revolution but 70% of those went to America, not Israel."

Iran's Jewish population has dwindled from around 80,000 at the time of the 1979 Islamic revolution but remains the largest of any country in the Middle East apart from Israel. Jews have lived in Iran since at least 700BC.

Hostility between Iran's Islamic government and Israel means Iranian Jews are often subject to official mistrust and scrutiny. In 2000 10 Jews in the southern city of Shiraz were jailed for spying for Israel, which Iran refuses to recognise.

A Jewish businessman, Ruhollah Kadkhodah-Zadeh, was hanged in 1998, apparently for allegedly helping Jews to emigrate.

Jews generally avoid political controversy, but Mr Motamed wrote a letter of protest to Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, last year after he called the Holocaust "a myth". Mr Ahmadinejad had earlier said that Israel should be "wiped off the map".

Jews are free to practise their religion and have their own schools, although they are forced to open on Saturdays, the Jewish sabbath.

Despite the absence of diplomatic ties with Israel, Iranian Jews frequently go there to visit relatives.

July 11, 2007

Sinking ship? Israeli invests in UK! Is Boycott working?

Israelis are increasing their investments in the UK, topping Russia, Hong Kong, Greece and South Africa in the number of companies setting up operations there
The news, comes against the backdrop of recent threats from UNISON, the UK's largest trade union and UCU, the university lecturers' union, to boycott Israel for occupying Palestinian land.
"For the fourth consecutive year, the UK has attracted a record number of investment successes, maintaining its position as the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in Europe and second only to the US world-wide,"
12 Israeli companies set up operations in the UK, creating 147 new jobs in 2006/2007.
The report added that Israel was the UK's 29th largest export market and was becoming increasingly attractive to UK businesses. Companies including HSBC, British Gas and Rolls Royce invested $13.2 billion in Israel last year, up from $5.6b. in 2005.
the UK recorded its highest number of inward investment projects to date, which rose 17

Only last month, the Israel - Britain Chamber of Commerce and had to cancel and postpone indefinitely the seminar "Putting Your Business in the UK," because of a lack of a sufficient number of participants. "We decided to postpone the conference as we were not happy with the registration of participants,"

July 9, 2007

Judaism portals

July 8, 2007

911 protocols of zion

clipped from www.youtube.com

Nasrallah hails Israeli war report

Nasrallah hails Israeli war report
Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has said that he "respects" Israel for recognising that it was defeated by his guerrilla army during the 2006 war in Lebanon.
Hassan Nasrallah has never before lavished such praise on his Israeli enemies [AFP]
'Defeat and victory'
Referring to the Israeli report, Nasrallah said he was pleased that Israel had agreed with his analysis that Israeli had effectively lost the war by failing to decisively defeat Hezbollah's fighters.
"The first important outcome of this commission is that it has finally and officially decided the issue of victory and defeat ... This commission spoke about a very big defeat," he said.
"Today the climate in the whole of the Zionist entity is that this war was a failure."

July 7, 2007

Haaretz: 3,000,000 Russian-speaking Jews in world.

clipped from www.haaretz.com
The three million Russian-speaking Jews in the world today can no longer be called the "Jews of Silence." The collapse of the Soviet Union released the safety catch of the energy that was contained inside it
The discussions focused, among other things
on the Russian-speaking elite in Israel, which has still not attained the status it deserves;
on Germany, where 80 percent of the 250,000 Jews are Russian speakers;
and on the injustice of the distorted collective image created by the phenomenon of the oligarchs, and more.
most American Jews, the Russians emphasize that Israel is their second homeland, and their presence is prominent at pro-Israel demonstrations.
Putin is very aware of the increasing strength of Russian Jewry in the U.S., and he has established a special Jewish organization in his office that is active among Russian Jews in general, but places a special emphasis on the Jewish Diaspora, via which he hopes to achieve influence in the U.S.

The great Odessa
By Avi Becker