July 29, 2007

EU Poll: Jews disloyal to home nation; Control US policy

Haaretz israel news English
Poll: 50% in U.K. think Jews more loyal to Israel than home nation
Last update - 15:08 17/07/2007
By Haaretz Service

Half of the British public believes that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their home country, an Anti-Defamation League poll released in Tuesday showed.

The survey of six European countries showed a rise in anti-Semitic attitudes. But it also indicated that positive views of Israel were also on the rise.

Asked to respond to the statement "Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country," the survey found that 50 percent of U.K. respondents replied "probably true," up from 39 percent two years ago.

"Jews are more loyal to Israel than their own country,"
the survey found that 50 percent of U.K. respondents replied "probably true," up from 39 percent two years ago.
in Hungary, where 61 percent of respondents said that it was probably true that Jesws have too much power in international financial markets, up from 55 percent in 2005, and that 60 percent believed that Jews have too much power in the business world.
"especially concerned that the survey found a large percentage of all respondents, and a majority in Austria, Hungary and Switzerland, believe that American Jews control U.S. policy on the Middle East, an old canard that has been resurrected in mainstream America and bolsters existing European attitudes."
half of those surveyed said they believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their own country, with a majority of respondents in Austria, Belgium, Hungary and the United

Large percentage believe that American Jews control U.S. policy on the Middle East. Support for Palestinians as a whole remained strong. In Hungary 61% said that it was probably true that Jews have too much power in international financial markets, up from 55%t in 2005, and that 60% believed that Jews have too much power in the business world.


Citizenbfk 07-18-2007 10.02pm

In the USA this idea has a clear starting point: http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm
an Open Letter to President Clinton that was printed January 26, 1998.

10 out of the 18 people who signed this letter,later became significant members of the Bush of Administration, urging war in Iraq and 'regime change,' because Saddam Husseinis is a “hazard” to “a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil...and the safety of allies like Israel,"

It also bought up the fabricated fears of WMD (that UN inspectors repeatedly denied).

This group called themselves 'neo-cons,' and became the core of warhawks in the Bush Administration. They are all zionist supporters.

(Note: Israel is NOT an official ally of the USA; to be an ally requires a treaty, a vote by our Congress, and it can only be done with a nation with clearly defined borders.)

So I'd conclude the opinion of the majority of people in the EU is true and a serious problem to world peace.

Dealing with it is difficulty because of immediate accusation of anti-Jewish racism and dragging out the dead bodies of the Holocaust, all in an attempt to cover up the obvious policies of today, policies that include the slow genocide and apartheid of the Palestinian people: a war crime and horror I now see as equal to the policies of Hitler and to do nothing is to watch over a million people starve to death before our eyes.

Major zionist lobby groups are:
1. Project for the New American Century
2. American Enterprise Institute
3. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
4. Council of Presidents
5. The Hudson Institute
6. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
7. Zionist Organization of America, etc.

AIPAC members have also been directly implicated AND convicted in a couple of spy schemes to steal military and nuclear secrets. Google AIPAC and SPY and get a quarter-of-a-million hits.

Nearly half of the funding for Democratic candidates and 30-35% Republicans comes from AIPAC


Righthand 07-19-2007 12.23am
Nearly half of the funding for Democratic candidates and 30-35% Republicans comes from AIPAC
Are you serious? Is that legal? Could China, Russia, or whoever buy influence like that or is it only Israel or AIPAC. I never heard of some of those groups that you mentioned. Are they all Zionist lobby groups? Why so many?


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