August 1, 2007



Shimon Peres, Israel's new President has been giving the impression for years that he is a man of peace. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, only because he was literally in 'the right place at the right time', is actually a war criminal in the true sense of the word. Read an earlier post of mine to see why I am saying this... it can be seen here.

As he starts out in his new career, probably his last seeing that he is already 83 years old, he is already making a fool of himself by making political statements that only the Americans want to hear. His assessment of the Iranian economy sounds very much like the actual one in Israel today.

Perhaps it's tme for the old man to retire gracefully before he really puts his foot in his mouth... read the Reuters report below to see his lack of wisdom.

The report in part stated;
'Tehran, which insists its nuclear program is peaceful, has defied a UN Security Council demand to halt its uranium enrichment program, resulting in two sets of sanctions. A third sanctions resolution is under consideration.'
This coming from a man representing a country that has defied almost every UN Resolution aimed at them...

Peres says Ahmadinejad worships bomb over God

President calls Iranian leader
‘an unbelievable joke’, says ‘in his eyes the nuclear bomb is higher than Allah, than the God in heaven’

Reuters Published: 07.30.07, 22:10 / Israel News

Israeli President Shimon Peres, in a radio interview on Monday, called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a “joke” and said he appeared to worship
“the bomb more than he’s worshipping the God in heaven”.
Nobel peace laureate Peres told US National Public Radio in Jerusalem that a united front by the international community could stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Ahmadinejad has said Israel should be “wiped off the map” and recently forecast the destruction of the Jewish state.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said recently that a country with such an attitude must never be allowed to develop nuclear arms.

Peres said Ahmadinejad was “an unbelievable joke”, adding the Iranian president “claims he’s religious”.
“My impression is that in his eyes the nuclear bomb is higher than Allah, than the God in heaven. He’s worshipping the bomb more than he’s worshipping the God in heaven,” Peres said.
Tehran, which insists its nuclear program is peaceful, has defied a UN Security Council demand to halt its uranium enrichment program, resulting in two sets of sanctions. A third sanctions resolution is under consideration.

Peres said Iran has high unemployment and inflation.
“All the attention is about the bomb, but people cannot live on a bomb,” he said.
The presidency is a largely ceremonial post in Israel. While politically influential, Israeli presidents have no authority to set government policy.

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