May 20, 2008

Astonished U.S. booted off UN committees

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Astonished U.S. booted off UN committees

The would-be rulers of the world suffered two humiliating
setbacks in United Nations votes in early May. They were
paybacks for the extreme arrogance the Bush administration
has shown towards allies and enemies alike.
The first rebuff was when the U.S. was voted off the Human
Rights Commission. Washington had used this commission as a
means of punishing those countries that dared to challenge
its policies.
The U.S. also lost its seat on the International Narcotics
Control Board. Washington had viewed this agency as a way to
bring pressure against countries that fail to toe its line,
coordinating this with the "war on drugs" that is really just
a cover for U.S. intervention in Latin America.
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