June 6, 2008

A Ringing Endorsement From George Galloway

You’ll have to go to Little Green Footballs to see his endorsement of Obama.
Barack Obama has picked up another celebrity endorsement: British communist and terrorist sympathizer George Galloway. (Courtesy of MEMRI TV.)

Now wherever did Galloway get the idea that Obama is his kind of guy?

clipped from michellemalkin.com

Here’s video of America-detesting, terrorist-loving, Saddam-smooching British MP George Galloway endorsing Obama:

P.S. I see he gave his endorsement of Obama on Al-Aqsa TV, the Hamas network. It’s good to know Galloway’s not playing favorites between Hamas and Hezbollah.

sorry. That’s video of Galloway endorsing Hezbollah and their terrorism against Israel.

And even though Hamas is now “distancing themselves” (heh, wink-wink) from their endorsement of Obama, they still don’t mind having Galloway on to do it for them.

(Cue Barack Obama: This is not the Hamas I knew twenty years ago…)

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