June 30, 2007

US Presbyterian Church Boycott 2004

clipped from en.wikipedia.org
Recent economic boycotts
In July 2004, the General Synod of the Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA) voted to
"initiate a process of phased selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel."
On June 19, 2006, the Committee on Peacemaking and International Issues of the PCUSA adopted a compromise resolution that calls for the Church to invest only in "peaceful pursuits" in Israel and Palestine.
In July, 2005, 171 Palestinian non-governmental organizations called "for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights."
In May 2006, the Ontario section of the Canadian Union of Public Employees approved a resolution to
"support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until that state recognizes the Palestinian right to self-determination" and to protest the Israeli West Bank barrier.
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Israeli Democracy

Israel moves to eliminate its only real government opposition

By Shahar Ilan, Haaretz Correspondent

The Knesset plenum on Wednesday passed a preliminary reading of a bill that would allow the Knesset to dismiss one of its members for publicly expressing anything that falls within "denial of the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, incitment to racism, support for armed battles by an enemy state or a terror organization against the State of Israel."

The bill passed with 34 MKs voting in favor, and 22 against. Most of the coalition factions supported the bill.

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Samu Incident / Operation Shredder

clipped from en.wikipedia.org
The operation is considered to have led to the Six-Day War of 1967 along with many other factors.
The Samu Incident refers to events centered around an Israeli military operation on November 13, 1966, when the Israeli Defense Forces entered the southern Jordanian-controlled West Bank in response to Fatah attacks against Israelis near the West Bank border. It was the largest Israeli military operation since the 1956 Suez Crisis.
Israel's goal in the operation was to demolish houses in Palestinian villages located south of Hebron for aiding and providing a safe-haven for Fatah and other PLO militants. Israel hoping then, that the residents of those villages would appeal to King Hussein to tame Fatah and other Palestinian militant groups. Israel also aimed at warning Jordan as well as Syria of its military strength without actually confronting the Jordanian Armed Forces.
Operation Shredder
3 Operation Shredder
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Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty

The chairperson on the Independent Commission in 2004 was Admiral Thomas Moorer (Ret.). He had a storied career including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It concluded that...
· Israeli planes had observed the Liberty for eight hours before the attack
· June 8 was a clear day with unlimited visibility
· Survivors testify that a 5 by 8 American flag was flying all day on the Liberty until it was shot away and replaced by an even larger flag.
· The flag was flying in a 12-knot breeze for most of the afternoon.
· The Liberty's five American radio channels were jammed during the attack. The Egyptian military did not broadcast on those frequencies.
· The Israelis machine-gunned the three life rafts the crew put out when it appeared the attack had let up. (This would assure there would be no survivors).
· The Israelis claimed the Liberty had been mistaken for an Egyptian ship. However the Egyptian ship, a 1920's era horse carrier was a quarter the size of the Liberty
In an affidavit signed on January 9, 2004 Captain Ward (now
retired) swears that,
"Both Admiral Kidd and I believed
with certainty that this attack was a deliberate effort to sink
an American ship and murder its entire crew. I am certain that
the Israeli pilots that undertook the attacks, as well as their
superiors who had ordered the attack were aware that the ship
was AmericanI know from personal conversations I had with Admiral
Kidd that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert
McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of
mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."
There's also the matter of
obstruction of justice for ordering a cover-up. There was a
hasty Naval Court of Inquiry set up to find out what happened
to the Liberty. The senior legal counsel for the court was Captain
Ward Boston. Admiral Isaac Kidd was president of the Court.
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Famous Zionist Quotes:

StepAside sexually active Israeli president Moshe Katsav, for the moment, as more pressing thoughts to bother him just now.

Strange that he speaks of "do not belong to our continent". I do not believe that the Zionists know that they are in Asia and NOT Europe. The Arabs have been there for ever.
clipped from home.earthlink.net
"There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy." Israeli president Moshe Katsav. The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001
"The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more".... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000
" [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988
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Israel Wants Robotic Guns, Missiles To Guard Gaza Border

See-Shoot consists of a series of remotely controlled weapon stations which receive fire-control information from ground sensors and manned and unmanned aircraft. Once a target is verified and authorized for destruction, operators sitting safely behind command center computers push a button to fire the weapon.
clipped from www.defensenews.com
According to the latest issue of “In the Camp,” the IDF’s official weekly Hebrew-language journal, initial deployment plans for the See-Shoot system call for mounting a 0.5-caliber automated machine gun in each of several pillboxes interspersed along the Gaza border fence.
Connected via fiber optics to a remote operator station and a command-and-control center, each machine gun-mounted station serves as a type of robotic sniper, capable of enforcing a nearly 1,500-meter-deep no-go zone.
The IDF’s Southern Command is also considering adding Gill/Spike anti-tank missiles to extend the no-go zones to several kilometers, defense and industry sources here said.
Each weapon station is protected against vandalism and weather by an armored folding shield, which also is activated remotely by computer operators.
“Ultimately, we aim to create a truly closed-loop sensor-to-shooter system, in which all the systems are able to work together on a single network.
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A First Hand Account to the Israeli Murder of 34 American Servicemen on the USS Liberty

In the 40 years since that time, he has watched as those with the blood of his fellow shipmates on their hands have gotten away with murder and has no illusions about their willingness to do the same to him, a theme that has been made explicitly clear to him on many occasions through threatening phone calls and harassing emails.

‘We had no idea who was attacking us until it was all over…It seemed like it would never end, and the only reason I think it stopped was that they ran out of ammo. Had that not happened, I have no doubt that they would have finished us off for sure. They were out to sink us that day, plain and simple.’
‘When the first missile hit, I thought one of the main lines from the boiler had blown. The whole ship shook so hard it felt like an earthquake. About 15 seconds later when I smelled what seemed like burned gunpowder and heard the Captain order everyone to General Quarters on the ship, I knew it wasn’t no blown pipe, but that the ship was under attack. Everything that took place afterwards moved in slow motion’.
So says ‘John Doe’, a survivor of the attack on the USS Liberty who spoke with American Free Press on condition that his name and rank remain anonymous.
40 years ago he was told in no uncertain terms by 2 Navy lawyers that he was not to divulge what he personally saw and heard on June 8, 1967 when the state of Israel attacked an unarmed naval vessel of the United States and murdered 34 American servicemen in cold blood.
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Survivors of USS Liberty attack want questions answered

He says he and other members of the USS Liberty Association are want the story to be told and for the truth to come out.

Smith was a 20-year old damage controlman third class on June 8, 1967, when the Norfolk-based USS Liberty was attacked. Today, he’s 60 and a retired lieutenant commander.
clipped from www.wvec.com
They just didn't see it coming. But why would they?
"Nobody expected anything out of the ordinary. Then there were jets strafing us with rockets and machine gun fire, napalm starting fires on the ship,” recalled Jim Smith

That was before the torpedoes were fired.

"Luckily, four of them missed. One of them didn't," he said, adding it disabled his ships's communications systems.

Smith was a 20-year old damage controlman third class on June 8, 1967, when the Norfolk-based USS Liberty was attacked. Today, he’s 60 and a retired lieutenant commander.
The hour-long attack took place 12 miles from the Sinai Peninsula during the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War. 34 men lost their lives. 172 men were wounded.
“We feel that the incident was deliberate, that the Israelis, for whatever reason, were trying to destroy our communication interception abilities,” he said, “and it was covered up not only by the Israeli government but by the American government.”
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USS Liberty incident

Others claim that the attack was deliberate and premeditated. They note that the Liberty was more than twice as large as the El Quseir, and was clearly designated with Latin rather than Arabic letters and numbers. Proponents include surviving Liberty crewmen and some former U.S. government officials, including then-CIA director Richard Helms and then-Secretary of State Dean Rusk as well as Admiral Thomas Hinman Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

June 6, Admiral Martin replied: “Liberty is a clearly marked United States ship in international waters, not a participant in the conflict and not a reasonable subject for attack by any nation. Request denied.” He promised, however, that in the unlikely event of an inadvertent attack, jet fighters from the Sixth Fleet could be overhead in ten minutes.
clipped from en.wikipedia.org
The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a U.S. Navy intelligence ship, USS Liberty, in international waters about 12.5 nautical miles (23 km) from the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, north of the Egyptian town of El Arish, by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967.
The Israeli attack killed 34 U.S. servicemen and wounded at least 173. The attack was the second-deadliest against a U.S. warship since the end of World War II,
caused by confusion among the Israeli attackers about the precise identity of the USS Liberty. These conclusions have been challenged, most notably by an organization of Liberty survivors as well as by some key former high-ranking U.S. officials who were in office at the time. These skeptics have included Secretary of State Dean Rusk, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Director of the NSA, and the senior legal counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry into the incident.
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Secret memo damns Israeli claim of legal occupation

Judge Meron was reported to have said: "It’s obvious to me that the fact that settlements were established and the pace of the establishment of the settlements made peacemaking much more difficult."

A secret warning to the government of Israel after the 1967 Six Day War by a senior legal official over the illegality of building Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories said he still believes he was right.

Theodor Meron, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s legal adviser at the time, declaration smacks in the face of Israel’s persistent claim that the settlements are not in violation of UN resolutions.

The copy of the legal opinion, obtained by The Independent, marked "Top Secret" and "Extremely Urgent", said in the words of its author’s summary "that civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention."

Judge Meron, president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia until 2005, said that, after 40 years of Jewish settlement growth in the West Bank, he "would have given the same opinion today".
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Amnesty says Israel should tear down wall

Report "Enduring Occupation -- Palestinians under siege in the West Bank" out today...
judged illegal by the International Court of Justice ..
deliberately built to seize Palestinian land...
Palestinian homes were being bulldozed...
Israeli settlements were in effect being sanctioned...
collective punishment...

Amnesty called on Israel to end movement restrictions on Palestinians, stop building the barrier and tear down those parts on Palestinian territory, cease building settlements and destroying Palestinian homes, and ensure justice for all.

clipped from uk.reuters.com
"Israel's ... legitimate security concerns are no excuse for blatant violations of international law, nor the mistreatment of thousands of Palestinians in a massive programme of collective punishment,"
the Amnesty International rights group said in a report on Monday.
clipped from uk.reuters.com
Amnesty said the barrier, if completed to plan, would encircle 12 West Bank villages and 31,400 people, with more than half a million Palestinians living within a kilometre (half-mile) of it.
The report said the barrier had been deliberately built to seize Palestinian land amounting to 10 percent of the West Bank in what it described as a state-sponsored land grab.
Palestinian homes were being bulldozed and Israeli settlements -- also judged illegal by the International Court of Justice -- were in effect being sanctioned as fences and walls are diverted round them
"Enduring Occupation -- Palestinians under siege in the West Bank"
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Workers refused to handle goods sourced from apartheid South Africa.

We take our boycotts seriously in Ireland
clipped from en.wikipedia.org

Dunnes Stores is a supermarket and clothing retail chain based in the Republic of Ireland.

The chain primarily sells food, clothes and household wares. In addition to its main customer base in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, the chain has operations in Great Britain and Spain. The format of the chain's stores is very similar to that of the British company Marks and Spencer, with a grocery supermarket operating alongside a clothing/textiles store.

The company is particularly known for the lockout /strike from 1982 to 1986. Members of IDATU (the retail workers Union) refused to handle goods sourced from apartheid South Africa. Neither side would give way and the dispute only came to an end when the Irish Government made imports from South Africa illegal.
The Dunne Family, who own the company are amongst the richest people in the island of Ireland.
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Seanad Éireann - Volume 108 -11 July, 1985- Dunnes Stores Workers South African Visit.

from ... Seanad Éireann - Volume 108 - 11 July, 1985
Adjournment Matter. - Dunnes Stores Workers South African Visit.
Parliamentary Debates in the Irish Parliament.

From acorns...
Dunne's workers, we would want to be perfectly clear, given some of the propaganda that has issued from South Africa recently, why they went. They went to South Africa, before all else, because they were invited by a very prominent and brave black South African, Bishop Tutu. It was interesting that at a time when the South Africa Home Affairs Ministry were issuing what were quite scurrilious statements about their motives, Bishop Tutu was actually involved in a tremendous act of bravery, rescuing somebody from an angry mob because he felt that was not the way to change South Africa's present awful injustices.
Finally, and if anything of what I had to say goes out to the media today, I think what this country needs most of all now clearly, categorically and unequivocally, is a complete and utter boycott on Dunnes Stores, on Ben Dunne and on his allies, until these people are recognised, not just a boycott on Henry Street but every branch of Dunnes Stores
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Israel threatens British boycott.

Bring it on. Israel boycotts Europe! Cannot wait. A shortage of a few products on the fruit shelves at the supermarket is going to have an impact only on the carbon emissions involved in getting it here. No bad thing.

It might assist them to make peace with their neighbours in The Middle East. If Israel realized that it is not part of Europe or America, then its desire for peace might increase.

We should withdraw our EU UN troops from Israel's borders as they are clearly not appreciated there.

Israel’s parliament is to debate a draft law today that could lead to a
consumer boycott of all British goods.

The proposed Bill is aimed at punishing Britain for recent threats from its
largest trade union and UCU, the university lecturers’ union, to boycott
Israel for occupying Palestinian land. The prospect of a boycott has
prompted concern among the Israeli public. Leading commentators denounced
the moves as anti-Semitic. Now a group of politicians has promised a harsh
response, calling for Israel to begin its own boycott against Britain.

Danny Yatom, a member of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, said: “If a
state boycotts any products of Israel there will be retaliation the exact
same way. This is not a one-way street.”

Others want the musical Mama Mia! cancelled. The British production is due to
open in Tel Aviv this month.

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1997 Assassination attempt

I trust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was watching his back so he didn't get one in the back from the master assassins like another Israeli Prime Minister.

Will DeadManWalking Olmert have to be carried out in a box? Or maybe he can become a StepAside PM like the current sexually active President! FlipFlop has a whole different meaning in Israel.
clipped from en.wikipedia.org

On September 25, 1997 Mashal was the target of an assassination attempt carried out by the Israeli Mossad under orders from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet. Ten Mossad agents carrying Canadian passports entered Jordan, where Mashal was living, and injected him with a toxic substance. At the time of the assassination attempt Mashal was considered Hamas' Jordanian branch chief.

Jordanian authorities discovered the assassination attempt and arrested two Mossad agents who had engaged in the attempt. Jordan's King Hussein then demanded that Benjamin Netanyahu turn over the poison antidote, and at first Netanyahu refused. As the incident began to grow in political significance, however, American President Bill Clinton intervened and forced Netanyahu to turn over the antidote. [2]

Jordanian authorities later released the Mossad agents in exchange for the release of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas

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What Price Peace? - Israeli use of Letter Bombs

Following the Kanafani death, Ma'ariv the Israeli daily, wrote: "The terrorists' statement linked the death of Kanafani to Israel and accused her of mounting this operation. Israel does not deny this or confirm it." Some eleven days following this incident, Anis Sayegh, a Director of the Palestinian Research Institute in Beirut, received an envelope ostensibly addressed to him from the Islamic Higher Council. When he opened it, it exploded, causing him partial blindness and the loss of three fingers. Within the same time period, another mail parcel exploded in the hands of the Director of a Beirut bank and the security officers of the Fateh in Beirut. (One had to closely scan the small print and the back pages of the Times to find a line or two, if that, about these incidents.)
clipped from desip.igc.org
Explosive devices were widely used by the Israelis in a broad campaign directed
against German scientists working in Egypt in 1962 and 1963. A bomb placed in a
gift parcel exploded, killing scientist Michael Khouri and five others with
him, and an attempt was made on the life of Dr. Hans Kleinwachter, another
scientist. Another package addressed to a West German scientist working in
Cairo blew up when opened, blinding his German secretary. The daughter of
German scientist Dr. Paul Goerke was threatened with a similar fate.
were still other bomb varieties in which the Israelis excelled. Prior to the
June 1967 war, the Chief Intelligence Officer in the Gaza Strip and' the
Egyptian Military Attache' in Jordan were both killed by book bombs. In the
wake of the 1972 Lydda Airport massacre, the Palestine Popular Front's
spokesman, Ghassan Kanafani, was blown up when a plastic bomb attached to the
exhaust of his car exploded.
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Judicial Assassination / Targeted Killings

U.S. shows signs of emulating controversial Israeli anti-terrorism policy.

The Israeli use of assassination as a national security method goes back decades. One important element of the tactic is that Israeli assassinations have been directed at foreigners, defined as "state enemies." Targets over the years have included officers from Arab armies, German-Nazi scientists who worked for Arab military projects and Palestinian terrorists. Israeli intelligence agents, their foreign helpers and Israel's military units executed the operations outside of Israel's borders and in the occupied territories, but never inside Israel or against Israeli citizens.

The first known targeted killing occurred in 1956, when an Israeli agent gave a rigged parcel to Col. Mustafa Hafez, the director of Egyptian military intelligence in Gaza, which was then under Egyptian control. When Hafez opened the package, it exploded in his face, mortally wounding him.
clipped from findarticles.com

ARABS-ISRAEL - Sept. 14 - Olmert On Killing Arafat.

Deputy PM Ehud Olmert tells Israel Ratio: "Arafat can no longer be a factor in what happens here. The question is: How are we going to do it? Expulsion is certainly one of the options, and killing is also one of the options. In my eyes, from a moral point of view, this is no different than the eliminations of others who were involved in activating acts of terror".

(In Ramallah, a beaming Arafat soaked up the cheers of supporters who descended on his compound for a fourth straight day. Israel has carried out dozens of killings of ...

Want to read the whole article? You can purchase it here It's quick and easy.
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"I don't see you crying over the number of US youth killed in Israel by palestinian suicide bombers"

Your question infers that only some of the American youth killed in Israel were Jewish. That is the only way that I can make any sense of your use of english. Why would all or nearly of them not be Jewish? Why else would they be in a virtual war zone? I feel there must be more intended in your question but I cannot see it. I presume the American Jews were there to serve in the Israeli Defence? Force (IDF)? Back to the double loyalty problem again. How long is it that you have to serve. It certainly was a cushy way of avoiding Iraq until the asswhipping the IDF received from the ragtag band of Hizbollah after the IDF's excursion into Southern Lebanon. Should mean more recruits for the overstretched American forces in Iraq. Don't worry, our EU UNifil forces will guard your borders as usual until you get back. Mainly to stop you murdering innocent women and children.

I believe he was right at the heart of the problem. LOYALTY. Or it your case, DOUBLE LOYALTY. You cannot serve two mast
clipped from digg.com

What are you talking about? ALL deaths bothers me. Christian, Jew, Muslim, you name it, As a godless person, another's religion as no influence on how I mourn their death. Only a RACIST or SECTARIAN BIGOT could think differently. Which boxes do you tick?

Unfortunately, some lives are worth more than others. Rachel Corrie's life was worth 1,000 Palestinian lives. The manner of her death has added hugely to her value. Yet, Palestinians die daily in similar fashion, and the world doesn't notice. Her value as a martyr for peace explains why you feel the need to slander her good name with such bilge. Despite your wrapping your self so tightly with the American flag, I very much doubt if you are a true loyal American.

How could you write such dribble against the good name of one American who certainly died for peace. Shame, shame, shame even if you are not American, or certainly a very disloyal one.
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What has Israel gained in the past 40 years?

One day, when Palestinians outnumber Jews, Israel will have to choose between being Jewish and being democratic

On June 5, 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive war against Egypt, Syria and Jordan. In six days it annihilated the Arab air forces, defeated the Arab armies, and conquered the Sinai Peninsula, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. It seemed like a decisive victory at the time -- but 40 years later, the outcome is still in doubt.

Ehud Olmert, now Israel's prime minister, put it bluntly in an interview with the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper in 2003: "We are approaching the point where more and more Palestinians will say: 'We have been won over. We agree with (extreme right-wing Israeli politician Avigdor) Liberman. There is no room for two states between Jordan and the sea. All that we want is the right to vote.' "The day they do that is the day we lose everything."

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"How the New York Times Misreports Conflict in the Middle East,”

“The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” Fourth Geneva Convention. Article 49(6) of the Convention.

These nineteen words — which would easily fit into any news article or editorial in the Times — prohibit, and thus outlaw, Israel’s settlements in occupied Palestinian territory. To my knowledge, the Times almost never, if ever, mentions the Fourth Geneva Convention in the context of Israel’s settlements in Palestinian territory. Bronner in effect confirmed this. Every relevant international authority—the International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council, the International Court of Justice, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, in addition to virtually every UN member state (except Israel)—has affirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory. The NYT ignores the

“I do not think that we view a report by a human rights organization as something we absolutely must carry.”
Since the human rights organizations cite Israel’s settlements, in addition to its excessive use of lethal force, its targeted assassinations, house demolitions as collective punishment, and torture as violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and since the Times ignores international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, it makes sense that the Times would also ignore the human rights organizations. No one expects the Times to cover every report, but it hasn’t even covered the annual reports by Amnesty International and HRW on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Palestinian terrorists also violate international humanitarian law when they kill and injure innocent and unarmed Israeli civilians. And we cite those violations, because if you apply an international law standard you have to apply it to everyone, otherwise the law is not impartial, which it must be.

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BOYCOTT: Weinberg’s claim of moral high ground rings hollow in face of bigoted remark

"I don’t use the term “bigotry” lightly; it’s an accurate description of a remark Weinberg made some months ago in Austin. I had never spoken of that conversation publicly -- until I read last week that he had canceled a talk at a London university, citing what he called “a widespread anti-Israel and anti-Semitic current in British opinion.”

Weinberg and I are both employed at the University of Texas at Austin. He’s one of the university’s most celebrated faculty members, a highly touted Nobel laureate in physics, a professor who is often spotlighted by administrators to bolster UT’s claim to being a “world-class” university. I’m a professor of journalism who is, to say the least, not quite as accomplished or celebrated."
clipped from mwcnews.net

“Don’t romanticize Palestinians just because they are primitive.”

Primitive? What could he mean by that? Was he just being provocative, to see how I would react? Whatever the answer, I had a hard time believing that a Nobel Prize winner would -- for whatever reason -- say something so ugly.

So, when I read in the British press that Weinberg was lecturing Brits about morality and prejudice, my mind went back not only to his comment but to my decision for nearly nine months to not speak about his comment. Why had I not written about this immediately, contrasting his moral critique of the Presbyterian Church’s policy with his own bigoted comment? Without recognizing it, had I internalized a fear of being targeted? I have written and spoken in favor of the application of international law and moral principle to redress Israeli crimes, but was I reluctant to tangle with a well-known figure because I didn’t want to be called anti-Semitic myself?

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