June 30, 2007

Truman:"The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have any judgment on world affairs ...

After half of our entire Irish population was wiped out in half a decade with what started out as a potato disease and is referred to as the 'Great Famine'. We Irish too carried a large chip in our shoulders against the authorities who exaberated the problem. We got over it. We remember but have got on with life. We are regarded and feel the happiest nation in the western world. And that despite the missing northern part of our island.

It was clear as day that Jews living the good life in reasonable prosperous America, have not forsaken their chip! Can they? May be, like the addictive personality, it is next to impossible. May be, the more we criticise Israel for its blatant errors, the more convinced they are that the whole world is against them! So maybe, the more we criticise - justifiably - the worse the suffering of the Palestinians!

Just looking for that missing "sense of proportion", justice and old fashioned fair play, just like most other warm blooded Irishmen, as I'm s
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@ chrisjj
anti-Zionist, certainly, wear it with honour.

anti-Semitic, never. You might as well accuse me of self-hate!

Certainly, I would not be satisfied with some artificial improvement in Israel's appalling human rights abuses record.

What I'm not so sure about is how much the Zionist need the constant criticism of their appalling record to enable them to continue with their victimhood stance. Take away their 'right' to victimhood and what have they got left. I suggest that this victimhood is closely related to addictiveness. Werther it is gambling, drug taking, smoking, dressing in black, or whatever, there is a minority that gravitate together in mutual support of their 'habit'. If you were persecuted for as long as the Jews certainly were, is it any wonder that change for the better is perceived as transient and not to be trusted. Else the habits of generations, instilled in the genes, is redundant. Hence your primary purpose in life was no meaning.

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