June 20, 2007

"I don't see you crying over the number of US youth killed in Israel by palestinian suicide bombers"

Your question infers that only some of the American youth killed in Israel were Jewish. That is the only way that I can make any sense of your use of english. Why would all or nearly of them not be Jewish? Why else would they be in a virtual war zone? I feel there must be more intended in your question but I cannot see it. I presume the American Jews were there to serve in the Israeli Defence? Force (IDF)? Back to the double loyalty problem again. How long is it that you have to serve. It certainly was a cushy way of avoiding Iraq until the asswhipping the IDF received from the ragtag band of Hizbollah after the IDF's excursion into Southern Lebanon. Should mean more recruits for the overstretched American forces in Iraq. Don't worry, our EU UNifil forces will guard your borders as usual until you get back. Mainly to stop you murdering innocent women and children.

I believe he was right at the heart of the problem. LOYALTY. Or it your case, DOUBLE LOYALTY. You cannot serve two mast
clipped from digg.com

What are you talking about? ALL deaths bothers me. Christian, Jew, Muslim, you name it, As a godless person, another's religion as no influence on how I mourn their death. Only a RACIST or SECTARIAN BIGOT could think differently. Which boxes do you tick?

Unfortunately, some lives are worth more than others. Rachel Corrie's life was worth 1,000 Palestinian lives. The manner of her death has added hugely to her value. Yet, Palestinians die daily in similar fashion, and the world doesn't notice. Her value as a martyr for peace explains why you feel the need to slander her good name with such bilge. Despite your wrapping your self so tightly with the American flag, I very much doubt if you are a true loyal American.

How could you write such dribble against the good name of one American who certainly died for peace. Shame, shame, shame even if you are not American, or certainly a very disloyal one.
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