June 30, 2007

Israel threatens - 3 years: 11 Israelis killed, 1 week: 50 Palestinians

Israel threatens - 3 years: 11 Israelis killed, 1 week: 50 Palestinians

Kawasmeh's resignation / Anarchy wins in Gaza - Haaretz - Israel News | May17

Background, to give a sense of any command structure that we might be dealing with. It explains why culprit names seem to vary for the same incident.

Now your question..."First what exactly is proportionate to a constant rain of Qassam rocket?" and I ask what damage was done. I know one lady died. I believe that it was a mistake. Most hit the ground far away from any real targets. The odd hits are MISTAKES, IMHO. Missiles are so erratic that some must go astray. That is no excuse but what we get as information will be refined down. It often suits both sides and the games they play, with the media. I have mainly only my reasoning and experience of knowing that nothing is black and white, for my conjecture. Should I continue?
clipped from digg.com

"Almost every large family or clan in Gaza has its own private army. This division is only schematic, since often (and very possibly most of the time), someone employed by one of the official services also belongs to a party militia, and when needed, he can also be found in the ranks of his family's private army. Thus the same person can belong to several different organizations simultaneously, or move from one to the other. He receives a weapon and a little money from his commanders in each organization.

Young men in Gaza have little to do except join one of these groups. Members of these groups are almost always unemployed, and the organization or militia is the only place where they can give content to their lives and feel a sense of belonging. Only within these organizations do they feel that they are worth something."
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