June 30, 2007

Cindy Corrie CALL TO WASHINGTON D.C. JUNE 10-11 2007. The WORLD Says NO!

I return again to your very badly phrased question with only Israel getting a capital. "I don't see you crying over the number of american youth killed in Israel by palestinian suicide bombers. Is it only because some of them were jewish?" Your question infers that only some of the American youth killed in Israel were Jewish. That is the only way that I can make any sense of your use of english. Why would all or nearly of them not be Jewish? Why else would they be in a virtual war zone? I feel there must be more intended in your question but I cannot see it. I presume the American Jews were there to serve in the Israeli Defence? Force (IDF)? Back to the double loyalty problem again. How long is it that you have to serve. It certainly was a cushy way of avoiding Iraq until the asswhipping the IDF received from the ragtag band of Hizbollah after the IDF's excursion into Southern Lebanon. Should mean more recruits for the overstretched American forces in Iraq. Don't worry, our EU UNifil f
clipped from digg.com
How could you write such dribble against the good name of one American who certainly died for peace. Shame, shame, shame even if you are not American, or certainly a very disloyal one.
President Truman said ..."The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do they have any judgment on world affairs ... The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish." and he said it best with ..."You cannot satisfy the Jews anyway ... They are not interested in the United States. They are interested in Palestine and the Jews ... The Jews aren't going to write the history of the United States—or my history!" [Do you need sources?] I believe he was right at the heart of the problem. LOYALTY. Or it your case, DOUBLE LOYALTY. You cannot serve two masters. Which are army has your loyalty.
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